Crafts Organisations – competent partners in international VET-cooperation

Over the past years the value of practice-oriented Vocational Education and Training (VET) for training companies, apprentices and the economy as a whole has been increasingly recognized internationally. The German skilled crafts organization plays a central role in the German system of dual VET. With 550 training centres the members of the crafts organization support training in the small and medium sized enterprises of our sector. Examinations are conducted by the Chambers of Skilled Crafts. Trade associations initiate the development or up-dating process of curricula to make sure they meet the current and future needs of the companies. Drawing on this expertise and experience German crafts organizations are willing and able to support partners from abroad in reforming and modernising their local VET.
The SCIVET-Coordination Unit in the Confederation of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses makes this expertise in dual vocational education and training (VET) accessible to interested partner countries anywhere in the world. Furthermore, it offers information about international VET projects.
To learn more about the German skilled craft sector's systemic quality standards for international VET cooperation, the Portfolio of services offered by the German skilled craft sector for international VET cooperation and on how to find a project partner, please visit the SCIVET-Website: